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  • Celestial Reflections: The text begins with a poetic reflection on the universe, contemplating existence while observing the Milky Way and meteor showers.

  • Creative Manifesto: It transitions into a manifesto about designing the future with purpose, empathy, and authenticity, using artistic metaphors.

  • Hicham Mneimne: The page introduces Hicham Mneimne, an artist and CEO/Founder of Planet One7, highlighting his journey from a hidden talent to sharing his art in 2023.

  • Planet One7’s Vision: The company specializes in consultation services across Creative Arts, Culinary, and Food and Beverage Solutions, emphasizing collaboration and quality outcomes.

What inspired Hicham Mneimne's artistic journey?

Hicham Mneimne’s artistic journey seems to be inspired by a deep connection with the cosmos and a passion for creative expression. His work reflects a fusion of various art forms, including abstract, cubism, expressionism, minimalism, line, and digital art. 

From a young age, art was a hidden talent and personal hobby for him, which he kept under wraps until 2023 when he decided to unveil his creations to the world1.

His inspiration also comes from his desire to create differently and courageously, as reflected in his motto “Courage to Create Differently.” This philosophy is evident in his approach to providing world-class consultation services across Creative Arts, Culinary, and Food and Beverage Solutions, emphasizing collaboration and quality outcomes1.

Hicham Mneimne’s artistry is not just visually stunning but also thought-provoking, aiming to ignite inspiration and provoke thought through his captivating abstract art pieces1. His journey is a testament to the power of art to transcend boundaries and connect with the universal human experience. 🎨✨

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How did he decide to share his art with the world in 2023?

Hicham Mneimne’s decision to share his art with the world in 2023 seems to be a significant step in his artistic journey. While I don’t have specific details on his personal motivations, artists often choose to share their work publicly for a variety of reasons, such as a desire for broader recognition, the fulfillment of personal goals, or a wish to inspire and connect with others through their art.

In the context of the art industry in 2023, there has been a trend towards a hybrid art world where in-person relationship-building goes hand in hand with online sales mechanisms1. This suggests that artists like Hicham Mneimne may be taking advantage of the increased opportunities for exposure and engagement that the digital world offers.

If Hicham Mneimne has shared his thoughts on this decision, it might be found in interviews, personal statements, or on platforms where he showcases his work. For a more personal insight, one could look for interviews or statements from the artist himself, which might be available on his website or through his social media channels23.

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What challenges did he face when sharing his art publicly?

While I don’t have specific details about Hicham Mneimne’s personal challenges, artists often face several common challenges when sharing their art publicly. These can include:

These challenges are not unique to any one artist and can resonate with many who are trying to make their mark in the art world. Overcoming these obstacles often requires creativity, resilience, and a willingness to adapt to the changing landscape of the art industry.

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How did Hicham Mneimne overcome these challenges?

Hicham Mneimne’s approach to overcoming the challenges of sharing his art publicly seems to be rooted in his philosophy of “Courage to Create Differently.” This mindset likely empowered him to:

By combining his artistic talents with a strategic approach to business and marketing, Hicham Mneimne has been able to navigate the challenges of the art world and share his creations with a wider audience. His journey is a testament to the power of resilience and innovation in the face of adversity.

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How does his culinary expertise influence his artistic approach?

Hicham Mneimne’s culinary expertise significantly influences his artistic approach, blending the sensory experiences of taste and sight into a cohesive creative expression. Here’s how his culinary background might shape his art:

His journey as a culinary artist and chef has likely provided him with a unique perspective that he brings to his art, allowing him to create works that are not only visually striking but also tell a story that engages all the senses. 🎨🍽️✨

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Tell me about one of Hicham Mneimne's most memorable creations.


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One of Hicham Mneimne’s most memorable creations is a piece that embodies his philosophy of “Courage to Create Differently.” While specific details of individual artworks are not provided, his gallery at Planet One7 showcases a collection of captivating abstract art pieces. These creations are not just visually stunning; they also provoke thought and ignite inspiration1.

His art seamlessly fuses various styles such as abstract, cubism, expressionism, minimalism, line, and digital art into captivating masterpieces. From a young age, art has been his hidden talent and personal hobby, which he kept under wraps until 2023 when he decided to unveil his creations to the world1.

Hicham Mneimne’s work is known for its ability to weave the strands of innovation’s tapestry, stitching hope into the fabric of what is yet to be. His pieces often reflect a deep engagement with the cosmos and human existence, as seen in his site’s poetic introduction that speaks of seeking solace in the vastness of the universe and finding atoms dancing in distant supernovae1.

For a more personal insight into his most memorable creations, one could explore his gallery or reach out to him directly to learn about the stories and inspirations behind his art1. 🎨✨

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You’re very welcome! I’m glad I could assist you. If you ever need more help or have any other questions in the future, don’t hesitate to reach out. Best of luck with Planet One7 and all your creative endeavors! 😊🌟


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his is your About section. Every website has a story and users want to hear yours. This is a great opportunity to give a full background on who you are and what your site has to offer. Double click on the text box to edit the content and add all the information you want to share. You may like to talk about how you got started and share your professional journey. Explain your core values, your commitment to customers and how you stand out from the crowd. You can also add a photo, gallery or video for even more engagement.



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Welcome to Planet One
– your one-stop creative destination. We are a team of highly skilled professionals who specialize in surrealism, graphics and design. At Planet One, we create unique and out of the world artwork that will leave you amazed. Our mission is to help our clients express their ideas and visions through our creative work. We use the latest techniques and technologies to create art that is truly one of a kind. Get in touch today to bring your creative dreams to life with Planet One!

Hicham H Mneimne


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  1. The Unconscious Alchemist: The Surrealist’s mind is a celestial cauldron, bubbling with dreams and forgotten memories. Influenced by Sigmund Freud’s revelations, they believe that the unconscious holds the key to imagination. Their brush strokes and quill marks are dipped in stardust, revealing worlds beyond reason.

  2. The Canvas of Illogical Beauty: On their canvas, reality waltzes with absurdity. They paint melting clocks, bowler-hatted men with apple faces, and deserts sprouting pianos. Their art defies gravity, inviting viewers to decipher cryptic messages. Each stroke whispers, “This is not a pipe” or “Ceci n’est pas une pipe” 1.

  3. The Labyrinth Dweller: The Surrealist roams mirror labyrinths, seeking reflections that defy symmetry. Their footsteps echo through fractured halls, where alternate selves dance. They chase elusive truths—their own kaleidoscope of possibilities. Isadora Veilwalker, they might be called, clad in silver shoes.

  4. The Symphony’s Maestro: Lucien Nocturne conducts the Symphony of Shadows. His baton, carved from moonstone, orchestrates heartaches and moonlit waltzes. Souls twirl with echoes—the broken-hearted, the betrayed. His eyes hold centuries—the ache of unfulfilled promises, the crescendo of lost love.

  5. The Starforged Architect: Atop the celestial spire, the Architect weaves constellations. Her fingers trace destinies, stitching fate into existence. Each star births a tale—a love unrequited, a cosmic betrayal. The Weaver’s Spindle spins threads of eternity, binding free will and predetermination.

  6. The Surreal Revolution: Breton declared Surrealism a revolutionary movement. It rebelled against cultural and political rationalism. Its members—Salvador Dalí, René Magritte, Meret Oppenheim, and Leonora Carrington—embraced positive expression. They danced on the edge of reason, their art a manifesto of defiance 2.

Dear seeker of the surreal, step into their world. Sip moonlight tea, converse with forgotten gods, and dance with shadows. For the Surrealist knows: Reality is but a suggestion, and imagination unfurls its wings.


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